Lights, Camera, Action: How to Make Videos Look Professional in B2B Marketing

May 30, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content and Campaigns at Goldcast

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In Wistia’s State of Video report, 93% of marketers said video is an important part of their marketing strategy, using it mainly for lead gen and product education.

From product demos to virtual events, video offers a powerful way to connect with audiences, showcase your brand’s expertise, and drive engagement. But simply producing video content isn’t enough.

The quality of your videos can have a big impact on your audience’s perception of your brand.

While it might seem innocuous, subpar lighting or scratchy audio can signal a lack of professionalism and cast doubt on the quality of your products and services. Here’s how to use video to make the right impression, every time.

10 tips to make your videos look professional

In a world where 68% of in-house marketers say the bar for quality content is rising, getting that professional look with your video content is everything.

And the good news is, with the right tools and game plan, just about anyone can create quality videos that sell (and never repel).

Here are 10 essential tips for creating video content that puts your brand in the best possible light.

1. Lighting

Speaking of light, ever wonder why some video content just feels more polished? The answer is often good lighting. Lighting is key to creating a professional look.

Natural lighting can work well with the right positioning. If you’re shooting indoors, put your subject near the window so the light falls on the person’s face, rather than behind them.

If your space doesn’t lend itself to using natural light, try to create a three-point lighting setup:

  • Key light: The main light source that illuminates the subject from the front or side, creating highlights and shadows on their face.
  • Fill light: A secondary light source that fills in the shadows created by the key light. It reduces contrast and softens shadows.
  • Backlight: A light positioned behind the subject, separating them from the background and adding depth and dimension.

Three-point lighting helps illuminate your subject evenly and eliminate harsh shadows.

2. Background

In life and in video, clutter induces stress, pulling attention away from your subject. But a clean background creates focus and makes your videos look instantly more professional. We recommend sticking to simple, clutter-free backgrounds — here are a few safe options:

  • Solid-colored walls
  • Textured backdrops like wood or brick
  • Green screens

If a solid background isn’t available for your video, you can blur the background with your video editor to keep attention on the subject.

Check out how a simple blur makes it super easy to focus on the speaker:

3. Editing

Even the most straightforward videos require a bit of finessing. But which aspects should you focus on to achieve a perfectly polished final product?

Use video editing software to work for the following post-production tasks:

  • Trimming unnecessary footage, mistakes, and awkward pauses
  • Adding transitions or simple motion graphics between video clips for a smoother flow
  • Applying color correction, color grading, and other stylization for a consistent look
  • Adding B-roll footage to supplement storytelling

Note that when it comes to editing, less is sometimes more in a B2B setting. Your audience might perceive an over-edited video as inauthentic. On the flip side, keeping it simple and consistent can take your footage from average to refined.

4. Branding

At Goldcast, we’re big believers in the power of branding. Consistent and visible branding reinforces the professionalism of your video from the moment your prospect hits play. Plus, it’s free real estate. You’ve already put the effort into creating valuable video content for your audience—don’t let them forget who it came from. 💁🏽‍♀️

Here are our top branding tips for video:

  • Include your logo as an intro slide and/or watermark
  • Use your brand colors for any graphics, titles, and lower thirds
  • Brand physical background elements like backdrops and sets
  • Use brand fonts for text overlays

Tastefully incorporating your brand’s visual identity into your videos will make them feel more authentic to viewers. The below clip from our Event Marketers Live series features our signature Goldcast background, a subtle yet powerful reminder of who we are and what we do:

5. Audio

Crisp, clear audio is absolutely vital for any professional video. 🔊

If your viewer has to work to hear and understand what’s being said, you’ve already lost them. Particularly for explainer videos and tutorials, audio quality is essential.

Here are a few audio considerations for B2B:

  • Microphone selection. Don’t rely on your camera’s built-in mic. Invest in a high-quality microphone to capture audio directly from your subject. If you’re shooting your subject in-person, you can set them up with a lavalier mic. For digital video capture, an XLR mic is an excellent choice.
  • Audio cleanup. During the editing process, be sure to apply background noise removal and audio cleanup effects as needed. If your speaker fluctuated in volume, you may need to optimize volume levels throughout the video.
  • Sound effects (SFX) and score. Some videos may benefit from sound effects or even a score. For example, music could really elevate the inspirational keynote from your latest digital event.

Remember that some viewers might be multitasking while consuming your video content. The audio could be your only tether to their engagement. Make sure it’s 100% optimized.

6. Production quality

Expensive gear isn’t absolutely necessary, but investing in some key equipment can really elevate your video production quality. Here are a few pieces we recommend prioritizing:

  • DSLR or mirrorless camera
  • Good-quality lens
  • Lighting equipment like LED panels
  • Tripod for stabilization

If you’re creating and streaming live video content, your production tools become even more important.

Viewers who tune in live won’t get to see a perfectly polished and edited video. Be prepared to get it right with elements like overlays and audience engagement features.

[We built the Goldcast digital event platform specifically for B2B marketers, so you’ll get these tools and more right out of the box. Check it out with a demo today.]

7. Framing and composition

Framing is another element that, while your viewers might not be able to put it into words, definitely makes an impact on how they see your brand. Thoughtful framing makes your video feel more professional and even cinematic. 🎥

Here are our top framing and composition tips:

  • Follow the rule of thirds by positioning your subject off-center
  • Leave ample headroom above the subject’s head, and lead room in the direction they’re facing
  • Use different shot types like close-ups, medium, and wide shots to maintain visual interest

8. Angles

If your video would benefit from a little more drama, consider experimenting with different angles. Angles can make a big difference in how your video’s subject is perceived and maintain interest during longer chunks of speaking.

Here are a few examples of different angles to consider if you’re interviewing a subject for a video, like a customer success story or founder’s story.

In B2B, content creators may not need to add too much flare in this department, but a little creativity goes a long way toward making your video more engaging.

9. Camera presence

No matter who the subject of your video is, a confident on-camera presence can make (or break) the entire viewer experience.

The most successful speakers are those who:

  • Practice talking points, but avoid memorizing a video script verbatim
  • Maintain “eye contact” with the camera
  • Use purposeful hand gestures and facial expressions
  • Speak clearly and avoid filler words like “um” (this can be a very tough habit to break!)

A poised, enthusiastic camera presence adds credibility and personality to your video.

10. Accessibility

Accessibility is a crucial consideration for both viewer experience and SEO.

Make your videos as accessible as possible by including the following:

  • Captions display the speaker’s words in the same language and help viewers who are hard of hearing, deaf, or prefer to read along.
  • Subtitles translate captions into different languages.
  • Transcripts are captions or subtitles published in a document for viewers to read.

If you’re hosting video events, be sure to use a platform with robust accessibility features. These features also give you a leg up when repurposing content—think transcripts-turned-sound bites like this example:

Why professional-looking videos matter in marketing

Video marketing has been a vital component of B2B marketing for decades. But today, everyone has an HD camera in their pocket. Simply producing video content for different channels isn’t enough.

Like it or not, viewers will make subconscious judgments about your brand based on the camera work, lighting, sound quality, and branding (or lack thereof). So take the time to get it right with high-quality videos that convey authority, expertise and a commitment to excellence.

B2B audiences are particularly discerning and expect a level of quality on par with a brand’s price point. If you want executive-level decision makers to consider investing in your product or service, you can’t afford to ignore production quality.

Turn your events into professional-looking video content with Goldcast

Prioritizing the production value of your videos isn’t just about aesthetics. It’s about conveying a sense of professionalism, expertise, and attention to detail that shows your audience who you are long after the live session is over.

Because at the end of the day, a good video is an extension of your brand. Investing in a quality end result can pay dividends in terms of brand recognition, engagement, lead gen, and sales.

One of our favorite sources of high-quality video content? Events, of course. 😉

With a little planning, your digital events can be an excellent source of valuable “video fuel” for the rest of your programs and campaigns.

Case in point? The folks at Modern Sales Pros are using Goldcast’s Content Lab to turn footage from their events into a multi-channel video strategy that fuels greater engagement on every channel.

To create professional-looking videos at scale, work smarter. With Goldcast’s AI-powered Content Lab, turning your digital events into polished and engaging video content is a breeze. To see how it works, request a trial of Content Lab today.

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