12 B2B Marketing Podcasts To Check Out + Their Winning Formulas

July 3, 2024

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Serial. The Daily. This American Life. Crime Junkie. SmartLess. Armchair Expert.

We're willing to bet you've at least heard of some of the above podcasts. Podcasts are incredibly popular and are projected to grow 12% in 2024, with revenue from podcasts projected to reach almost $2.6 billion in the next two years.

People listen to podcasts for lots of reasons, but the majority of listeners say they're hoping to learn new things—which makes podcasts a great potential platform for B2B companies that have plenty of things to teach an audience.

Read on to discover:

  • 12 B2B marketing podcasts to add to your library
  • The anatomy of a good B2B marketing podcast
  • Advantages of a B2B marketing podcast
  • Podcasts, events, and content repurposing
  • Want to try Goldcast Content Lab?

12 B2B marketing podcasts to add to your library

B2B marketing podcasts can serve a number of purposes. They can provide education on industry topics and best practices (which, as we just learned, is exactly what people want!). They can give listeners a closer look at some of their favorite influencers and leaders. They can help B2B companies bolster their brand identity.

B2B marketing podcasts don't necessarily directly generate leads, but they can help you increase brand awareness so that you're on people's radars when it's time to make a purchasing decision.

If you're looking for some great examples of B2B marketing podcasts, here's a roundup of some that our team subscribes to!

The Anonymous Marketer

You might think this podcast features advice from marketers who hide their true identity, but it's actually the other way around—the questions that start the discussion come from an anonymous pool, and then a marketing expert joins host Kirsti Lang to talk through the answers.

Check out this episode featuring our Associate Director of Content and Campaigns, Lindsay McGuire. Lindsay chats with Kirsti about why you should get comfortable hosting events and how Lindsay's background in journalism prepared her for life as a marketing professional.

Apple Podcasts


Scrappy ABM

Every Monday, Mason Cosby hosts the Scrabby ABM podcast and shares low-tech, budget-friendly ABM (account-based marketing) stories and strategies. Recent interviewees include Parthi Loganathan, CEO and Founder of Letterdrop, and Sarah Sehgal, Director of Growth Marketing at OpenSesame.

As you might guess from the title, the guests on the show—and Mason himself—celebrate getting creative and coming up with lean alternatives to spending a ton of money on the latest tech. If you want to think outside of the traditional ABM playbook, give this one a listen!

Apple Podcasts


Women in B2B Marketing

Another must-listen! New episodes of Women in B2B Marketing drop weekly, and host Jane Serra chats with CMOs, VPs of Marketing, and other B2B marketing leaders about their top strategies to grow their careers and succeed in their roles.

The topics are thoughtful, covering anything from how to navigate generational challenges in the workplace to how to grow newsletters. Episodes typically clock in at less than an hour, making this a good choice for a daily commute if you've got one.

Though this one features only women leaders, it's a great listen for anyone looking for practical tips.

Apple Podcasts


Stacking Growth

Part of the Refine Labs family of podcasts, Stacking Growth will teach you how to create a competitive advantage in your B2B industry.

We especially like that the Refine Labs team releases different types of episodes. There are short ones called "Stacking Growth Snacks" that give you some quick, digestible tips. Then, there are your typical longer episodes, as well as what's called a "Stacking Growth Offsite." The offsite chats include thought leadership content from other podcasts and conferences that featured Refine Labs team members. This is a great way to repurpose content.

Apple Podcasts


The Run Revenue Show by Clari

Clari is an enterprise revenue platform, so it makes sense they'd debut a weekly podcast about revenue. This one's geared toward B2B sales leaders and helps you identify how to prevent revenue leak in your organization. (Revenue leak refers to money you've earned but haven't received, and it can lead to huge problems.

The show is hosted by Kyle Coleman, Clari's SVP Marketing, and top-industry leaders join him to chat about how they stop revenue leak.

Here's a super helpful episode they published at the start of the year about prepping your revenue team for success in 2024. There's still time to implement these tips and create what they refer to as a "year-round enablement ecosystem"

Apple Podcasts


B2B Pipeline Pioneers

SalesIntel's podcast, B2B Pipeline Pioneers, is for B2B G2M leaders who want to build a successful pipeline. According to SalesIntel, building pipeline never falls on just one department—it's a team effort that requires all hands on deck.

New episodes come out frequently, with some days offering multi-episode drops. The podcast is hosted by SalesIntel CEO and Founder, Manoj Ramnani.

PS: Check out the June 13, 2024 episode to hear from Lindsay again, this time on how our website overhaul resulted in 18% increased conversion.

Apple Podcasts Spotify

Do This, Not That! For Marketers Only!

You may recognize Jay Schwedelson from his recurring speaker gigs at INBOUND, or you may have used his tool SubjectLine.com, which is a free subject-line rater. Schwedelson is also the Founder of GURU Media Hub and the GURU conference, the world's largest email marketing event, and his podcast is top-ranked in America.

Each episode is bite-sized, usually lasting anywhere from 5-10 minutes (though some are longer). You can count on Schwedelson to give it to you straight, whether he's ranting about LinkedIn features he doesn't appreciate or helping you grow your pipeline.

Apple Podcasts


The Proof Point

Mark Huber from UserEvidence sees one big thing missing when he scrolls through LinkedIn and reads through everyone's hot takes: proof.

His podcast seeks to remedy that for GTM teams specifically, looking for the proven frameworks and marketing tactics that make a big impact.

Though The Proof Point is a relative newcomer on the scene compared to some of the other podcasts on this list, there are some compelling topics covered here. Tune in to find out if you're doing enough B2B research, why confusion is your worst enemy, and why Calendly's homepage is so controversial.

Apple Podcasts Spotify

Leaders of B2B Podcast

Speaking of GTM teams, here's a recent episode from Leaders of B2B Podcast defining GTM, explaining how most startup failures are due to poor GTM strategy, and sharing AI successes:

With more than 30K listeners to date and nearly 58K downloads, Leaders of B2B Podcast is clearly doing something right. David Ledgerwood, Co-Founder and Managing Partner of Add1Zero, hosts the podcast and releases a new episode every two weeks featuring a different B2B expert.

Because the topic is pretty broad, this one can take you places you didn't expect. You might learn about fleet management one episode and patient care the next!

Apple Podcasts


Don’t Say Content

Devin Bramhall and Margaret Kelsey are sick of the BS in the marketing world, and they're tired of everything being called "content." In their podcast, the two seasoned marketers get specific as they talk strategy for senior marketing leaders.

There's been a big push lately to have employees and leaders post content, instead of just posting it on the company page. People tend to listen to other people more than they would a company.

In this episode, "Is Personal Branding Dead?", Bramhall, Kelsey, and guest Jenn Hirsh discuss personal branding and how marketers can apply it to their strategy:

Apple Podcasts


The GTM Cheat Code

Cheat codes might take some of the fun out of mastering a video game, but in our professional lives, learning from entrepreneurs Justin Gray's and Justin Wagner's combined decades of experience sure sounds like a win to us!

Each episode includes a discussion with investors and founders who share case studies about how they've hacked the business game. For example, the most recent episode featured Mark Roberge, co-founder of Stage 2 Capital, and his experience with partnerships.

Apple Podcasts


Pipeline Visionaries

Every week, Ian Faison of Caspian Studios invites CMOs and demand generation leaders on his podcast to talk about how to grow pipeline. One week, you may hear about how to use social media marketing to promote new products, and the next, you'll learn why the buyer's journey is the new brand.

Apple Podcasts


Those are 12 awesome recs filled with actionable tips and valuable insights, and we'd love to know which ones you're listening to as well.

Final note: If you'd like more Goldcast content (no really, we're too flattered that you'd ask), check out the Event Marketers Live library. In every episode, a top event marketer shared about the ways in which they're building brands and revenue.

We've also got a great archive of CMO Diaries episodes, where marketing leaders spoke with Goldcast co-founder Kishore Kothandaraman about how their success stories of driving change.

The anatomy of a good B2B marketing podcast

There's no exact plug-and-play formula you can use to create a successful B2B marketing podcast, but the podcasts we've shared here do have a few things in common. Read on to learn how to give your podcast some structure and attract consistent listeners!

Quality content

Your podcast will ultimately rest on what you have to say. Be sure before you start dreaming of titles that you're clear on what you'll talk about and why people want to hear about that topic. That means you need to research your audience, pay attention on social media to what people are talking about, study podcasts that do well (like this list!), follow marketing trends, and more.

It's a smart idea to sketch out the first few months of content, at a minimum. That way, you don't find yourself scrambling for topics once your show is underway. You can always change up the topics as you learn what works, but at least you'll have an idea of where you're heading.

Host and guest expertise

Once you identify your podcast topic, start thinking of who would be the best host.

A lot rides on having a good host; they establish the energy of the podcast and keep the conversation flowing with guests, if you're going to have any. You also want to be sure the host has experience that directly translates to the topic of your podcast. For example, if your show is about demand gen marketing, you probably don't want a content writer to host it.

When you're ready to find guests, start by looking at your network. Most people love to share their expertise and build their own brand by speaking on podcasts, so don't be afraid to reach out and ask. You might also review the speaker panel lists from relevant conferences and big events. If someone's willing to speak at an event, they might also be willing to come on your show.

Publishing frequency

It's important that you pick a cadence and stick to it. This helps people know when to tune in for new episodes and establishes trust with your audience.

Below, Mike Taylor of BambooHR discusses the frequency of HR Unplugged, the company's podcast, as well as analytics on how the podcast is performing:

Your frequency will depend on your bandwidth. It's better to publish less often with a high-quality, thoughtful episode than to push out a bunch of mediocre episodes.

You should also consider your audience's bandwidth. If your episodes are long deep dives into a topic, it might make more sense to go longer in between episodes so that you aren't overwhelming people. If you're coming up with bite-sized, five-minute tips, however, maybe you publish them daily or three times a week.

You can also start out with a slower cadence and then ramp up over time. This works better than doing the opposite (publishing weekly, for example, and then telling listeners you're moving to a monthly format).

Length of episodes

This one ties back to having quality content. Take the time you need to provide value, and no more than that. Don't feel like you should keep recording just to hit a certain length; your audience members won't pay attention to the number of minutes as much as what you talked about.

Some quick tips:

  • Shorter episodes (10-20 minutes or less) are great for quick tips or updates
  • Medium-length sessions (20-40 minutes) allow you to go deeper on a topic but are still accessible and easy to listen to on the go
  • Longer episodes (45+ minutes) can be used when you have a longer interview or want to get really in-depth on a topic

Editing and production value

The best tip we have here is to invest in some good equipment before you even record your first episode. You don't have to spend a ton of money, but research recommended microphones, webcams (for when you share on YouTube), and any other podcast tools. This will have the single biggest effect on the quality of your final recording.

You don't have to hire an agency to turn your recordings into podcasts, either. Platforms like Riverside and Descript include tools that you can use to take out filler words and do some basic editing tasks before you publish. If your podcast grows and you want to outsource some of that work, at that point you might consider hiring a marketing agency or audio professional.

Repurposed supporting material

You may have noticed that many podcasts we shared also post their episodes on YouTube. It's a good idea to repurpose your podcast episodes in different ways to reach a bigger audience and take advantage of SEO potential.

This means that when you create a podcast, you might turn it into a blog post featuring the key takeaways from the talk. You can upload the video recording into a platform like Goldcast Content Lab and take the multimodal assets—complete with videos—and share on social media.

We'll talk more about repurposing content soon, but you basically want to get as much runway out of your podcast as you can. You put the time into coming up with the episode topic and recording it, so why not let it live on in the form of other types of content?

Advantages of a B2B marketing podcast

Podcasts offer B2B brands the opportunity to reach people who like to consume content while doing other things, whether that's driving, walking, cleaning the house, or another activity. With podcasts, your content is ready for folks to access on the go in a way that other mediums can't quite keep up with.

In Britain, one study revealed that more than half of business owners and founders consider podcasts a part of their daily routine. We mentioned earlier that most podcast listeners go to podcasts to learn something new, and we'd be willing to bet that business owners and founders want that new knowledge to relate to their business.

This is why it's a great idea to create your own B2B marketing podcast, to share your brand message and insight with the world!

Here are some other advantages of hosting your own podcast:

  • Low barriers to entry and relatively cost-effective when compared to other types of media (say, hosting a recurring event with the associated swag)
  • Podcasts are a great way to share thought leadership content directly with an audience, in the words of your thought leaders
  • You cater to people who prefer audio content and like to listen to episodes while they're on the move
  • Humanizes your brand in a way that most mediums can't, with the exception of video

A strong podcast helps build your brand, establishes your leadership as industry experts in the B2B space, and attracts new audience members. It also gives you a goldmine of content you can then repurpose to fuel your content marketing strategy. Let's talk about that next.

Podcasts, events, and content repurposing

So far, we've mostly talked about how to come up with an original concept for a podcast. We've mentioned that you'd be smart to turn your original podcasts into other types of content like blogs, social media posts, and so on.

Repurposing your podcast might seem like a lot of work, but Goldcast Content Lab can handle this for you in just minutes! You take your recording of either your podcast or your event, feed it into the platform, and then wait as Content Lab—with the help of AI—generates a suite of social media posts, blog drafts, email follow-ups, and more.

With Content Lab, marketing teams save so much time and end up with more content than ever before. You're able to spin up strong marketing campaigns in literal minutes, which is a game-changer.

We also want to point out that events and webinars themselves can also turn into podcasts. Remember Bamboo HR's podcast, HR Unplugged—the one we talked about earlier? That's actually an event series that the company repurposed into a podcast.

BambooHR didn't take out any paid advertising, but releasing each episode of their event series as a podcast has helped boost organic growth and customer engagement, month over month. Just look at their metrics. During a nine-month period, downloads went from 695 to 2.5K a month—a huge leap.

If you want to get even more meta with the events → podcast circular relationship, consider Adrian Cohn's story. He wanted to pull off a great virtual event and he included existing podcast snippets into his event content, helping to make his event even more engaging without doing extra work.

It might feel to you that with repurposing, you're saying the same thing over and over, but trust us—your audience will not see it that way. They're being bombarded by messages day in and day out so if anything, the repetition helps your message stick!

The best part of all? You can try Content Lab for a full two weeks, 100% free.

Want to try Goldcast Content Lab?

We hope you can see now how digital marketing podcasts can help B2B businesses like yours with audience expansion and business growth. We also hope we've sold you on the power of repurposed content!

With the advent of AI, you can save hours throughout the post-event and repurposing processes. If you host your event in Goldcast, our Smart Events functionality produces the assets for you—no clicks needed. Or, if you're wanting to use a podcast recording you created somewhere else, go ahead and upload it and let the platform work its magic.

Learn more about Content Lab below, and reach out for your free 14-day trial!


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