11 Powerful Ways To Repurpose Video Content + AI Tools To Try

January 25, 2024
Lindsay McGuire
Lindsay McGuire
Associate Director of Content and Campaigns at Goldcast

This year, Wyzowl released a video marketing study containing insights from both marketers and consumers—and the results are pretty enlightening.

To start, 91% of businesses—an all-time high!—are using video content marketing in some way.

And, when you review the consumer POV, you understand why most businesses are doing video. The same percentage of people—91%—have watched explainer videos to learn more about a product or service. 82% of people have been swayed to actually make a purchase because of a video. And a majority of consumers want to see more video content from brands this year.

So, what's keeping everyone from jumping in the video game?

Simply put, creating great video content is easier said than done. Marketers may fully know they should be creating videos, but they might not know where to start. The bar is high, which also adds to the uncertainty. The same Wyzowl study revealed that most people judge a brand based on the quality of its videos. Eep!

The good news is that there's a super accessible way to get started. If you're running events, you've already got existing videos you can turn into new content! You're probably hosting the event on-demand, at a minimum, and today we'll walk through some ways to take it a bit further and repurpose that video content in other ways.

Read on to learn:

  • 11 ways to repurpose video content for maximum ROI
  • Why it's smart to repurpose video content
  • Tools to repurpose video content
  • Get started with Goldcast's Content Lab
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11 ways to repurpose video content for maximum ROI

Video content is a powerful tool to help you connect with your audience—and, as with any type of good existing content, repurposing it helps extend your reach and maximize impact. While repurposing still takes time, you can now use AI to significantly reduce the amount of work on your plate!

Here are some ways to repurpose your video content. As you read, keep in mind that you don't just repurpose a video once, so multiple ideas could apply for one video. For example, you may take an event recording and turn it into: a blog post, a customer story, an email campaign, and a social media infographic. That's four different formats from one event recording!

Blog posts

This one's pretty standard to see on our checklist after an event. After our first episode of Donuts and Demand, for example, we used Content Lab to pull the top insights from that discussion. Then, a writer refined those to come up with a blog post we could promote across platforms.

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Each blog post contains a link back to the full event, so you're also giving a shout-out to your on-demand, evergreen video library. Blogs are great because you have the chance to rank for search engine optimization (SEO), you reach those people in your audience that prefer reading, and you continue growing your voice.

Podcast episodes

Turning your video conversations into podcast episodes also helps you reach different audience members. There are many folks who prefer to consume their content via audio; perhaps they listen to a podcast on their commute or during their lunch break, and they'd rather do that than watch a video or read a blog.

After our first episode of Donuts and Demand, Chris Walker (who was one of the first guests on the show) turned the chat into a podcast episode for his company, Refine Labs. When you visit the podcast info page, you'll find a description of what happened (the inaugural episode of Donuts and Demand), who was there, and what was discussed.

Add translations to your on-demand content

Once your event is done, be sure to add translations and subtitles to it so that people worldwide can access your on-demand library. Having an event available in multiple languages is a great way to be accessible and inclusive and address any existing language barriers in your audience.

Customer stories and testimonials

During our Mojitos and Modern Events discussion, there were so many quotable moments that we wanted to reuse and share after. Check out the video below, in which SnapLogic's Marketing Operations Manager talks about the company's thought process when they were deciding whether to go with Goldcast:

This is an amazing, organic testimonial that came about during the event. By sharing this with our audience, we create more trust (people tend to trust their peers more than the companies trying to sell to them) and reach people who may be struggling with the same questions as SnapLogic.

Create compilation videos

If you've got a handful of snippets that all line up with the same theme, or if you've got snippets from the same event, you can splice them together to create a compilation video. Compilation videos might promote your company culture, entice people to attend future events by sharing how much fun they are, or aim to entertain your audience so they look out for future content from your company.

Teaser videos

You can use clips from past events to tease future ones, especially if they're part of the same series. If you'll be using any pre-recorded content during your event, you could also tease out some of that so people get an exclusive sneak peek of what's to come during the actual event.

Teaser videos are generally pretty short; your goal with the new video is to hook people's attention, get them excited, and leave them with a clear CTA so they know what to do next.

Social media video snippets

Mojitos and Modern Events also gave us other video snippets that we wanted to share on social, like the one below:

Seeing marketers talk about how they're modernizing events and remaining competitive is super interesting for our audience of B2B marketers. However, sharing the full video on social media wouldn't work for many reasons, including people's attention spans and the fact that the longer video file sizes are likely too big!

Sharing shorter clips like this is a way to distribute some of your key messages from the long-form videos, while also piquing people's interest about your event. They get a tiny taste of what it's like to attend your event and what kind of value they might get from attending.

PS: You should always tag anyone in the video so that their audience can hopefully see the content as well, further expanding your reach!

YouTube video ads

If you've got the money in your marketing budget, you can even try using some of your event videos for YouTube advertising. First, you'll want to identify the most impactful, key moments from your event—the ones that really capture the "essence" of what it's like to attend your event or work with your company.

From there, pull out your clips and decide how you'll present the information on YouTube. What copy/text will you use? How will you make sure your branding is present and clear?

Once your ad is ready, you can choose what target audience you want to reach on YouTube. When you've got your first campaign done, you can play around with other formats and see if one thing works better than another for your brand.

Use pre-recorded videos in webinars

Check out Logan Fletcher, Events Marketing Manager at Yext, explaining why he loves using pre-recorded content for new events:

We also have clients who run the same original video from an event multiple times, in multiple time zones, but only do it live the first time. After that first event, all of the other audiences are viewing pre-recorded content, but they're able to gather together and share an experience, nonetheless.

As you can see, there are tons of ways to approach content repurposing, and AI has made it possible to explore even more of them, even with limited video know-how. Repurposing your videos will help you save time and resources, while also allowing your content to reach a wider audience.

Email campaigns

You've got a ton of valuable marketing material hidden in your past event recordings. Those videos that really showcase top moments at your events, interviews with industry experts, or even things like product demos—all of that great content can also be used in email campaigns.

Which videos you use for an email campaign will depend on the goals you're trying to hit. If you want more people to register for an upcoming event, maybe it's one of those compilation videos we talked about before, one that really shows off how much fun people have while learning at your events.

If you're trying to reach people who are in the decision-making process and choosing between your product and another one, however, perhaps a product demo or a customer testimonial makes more sense.


Infographics usually contain something noteworthy, like statistics. So if you're sharing a bunch of stats in a video, compile them into an infographic.

They're good for posting on social media platforms because people can easily share them if the content resonates, and viewers can take in a lot of info with just one glance.

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You can also share infographics outside of social media posts! Try dropping them in a relevant presentation or report, or including them in a quarterly newsletter. Be sure that your infographics still reflect your branding; maintaining a consistent brand image helps you build credibility with your audience.

Why it's smart to repurpose video content

One of our clients, AspenCore, saw engagement skyrocket when they started posting videos to LinkedIn. With the help of AI tools like Content Lab, which we'll discuss more soon, the company was also able to scale video content creation for their event promo efforts, taking it from one video per event to more than three!

There are many other reasons to repurpose your videos, beyond a boost in engagement—though that's pretty compelling in and of itself!

Repurposing your videos can help you:

  • Save time
  • Reach more people
  • Get more runway out of your content
  • Maximize ROI by generating ongoing returns on your initial investment in the event
  • Establish a presence across platforms and channels
  • Speak to every stage of the marketing funnel
  • Show off your unique brand culture and value prop

Repurposing is a marketing strategy decision that helps everyone. It helps your team save time and effort, while making the most of the efforts you've already made. It helps your speakers and presenters because they'll have assets to share to build their own brands. And it helps your audience access your content, even if they can't attend your live events!

Tools to repurpose video content

Before we get into tools you can use for repurposing, it's worth mentioning that a good events platform will, by nature, give you a high-quality piece of content you can use afterward.

For example, Goldcast's video production tools align with the modern viewer's expectations, from overlays to lower-thirds to being able to pull people on stage during a live event and get their input.

Goldcast Content Lab

Once you've got your event video, what tools can help you repurpose it?

We've talked about Content Lab, which is an AI-powered studio that turns your event content into video snippets, blog drafts, social posts, outlines, and more. It's as easy as dropping your event video into Content Lab and letting it do its magic!

Watch the video below to see how we repurposed the event replay of Donuts and Demand to reach more folks:


Another tool to check out is Descript, an AI-driven transcription and video editing tool. With Descript, you can edit videos by editing the transcript itself. You can also add AI-generated voice overs to your video content.


If you're already on YouTube, you could also browse their basic editing tools within the upload interface. Of course, these won't be as robust as using a dedicated video editing software, but you might only need to do some basic trimming of videos, adding captions, and things like that—and YouTube works just fine for that.


Apple lovers likely already know about iMovie, which is a user-friendly video editing tool. iMovie is pretty intuitive to use, which makes it a good choice for newbie video editors and producers. You can also experiment with video effects and transitions to spruce up your video content.

Adobe Premiere Pro

When you're ready for more advanced features than a program like iMovie can offer, Adobe is a professional-grade choice. With features like multicam editing and 3D editing capabilities, as well as integration with other Adobe products, you can take your video editing efforts quite far in Adobe.

Wistia Soapbox

Wistia's Soapbox is an easy-to-use video creation tool. You can add customizable CTAs and track viewer engagement. Goldcast offers a Wistia integration, which means your event content can go straight to Wistia, where you can then create videos with Soapbox!

Get started with Goldcast's Content Lab

If you're ready to try your hand at creating some post-event videos using Content Lab, let us know! We can show you how Content Lab can prevent your events from going to waste.


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