AspenCore Saves Two Hours of Production Time per Post-Event Video Snippet With Goldcast’s Content Lab

Challenge: Event Content Repurposing Took Too Much Time and Effort

As a company that produces an average of eight to 10 virtual events a year, AspenCore has a huge amount of event content just waiting to be repurposed every month. But it was taking an average of two hours to create even one video clip post-event. Kristen Nuñez, Global Event Manager with AspenCore, explains their process:

Here’s a glance at what snipping just one video looked like:

  • Kristen watched event and took notes of best clips
  • Downloaded video, uploaded into video editing tool
  • Send video to social team, they upload to Canva and PowerPoint for graphics
  • Video tested and approved

It took so much time and effort to craft post-event video content that Kristen and her team usually walked away from each event with only a few video snippets. “I'm not a video editor by any means,” she said. “So it could have been better.”

repurpose event content in minutes

Solution: Goldcast’s Content Lab, an AI-Powered Editing Suite

When Goldcast’s new Content Lab solution came out in beta, Kristen was immediately sold. The new tool offers Goldcast users an AI-powered editing suite to turn your events into a multi-channel content strategy. It uses AI to automatically clip video snippets, produce robust blog content, and more.

“I would say out of all the tools I received this year to make my job easier, Content Lab has been the best one by far,” said Kristen. “I'm impressed by the AI suggestions used for the videos.”

Thanks to Content Lab, Kristen has gone from feeling stressed about her team’s post-event video editing process to confident. “Before I felt like I was very out of my league. But now I feel like it makes it so easy. It doesn't make me feel like I'm video editing now, I just feel like I'm putting together a portion of my event and it doesn't seem like I'm doing something out of my wheelhouse.” She explained:

Once Kristen had a demo of the Content Lab product, she began using its AI to source video clips and pull them into different formatting options. She immediately shared it with her social media team. “I said, ‘look, we just got in beta for this new product on Goldcast. Let me know what you think; can we use these videos for social?’ And they were super excited,” she shared.

Kristen’s been thoroughly impressed with the video AI capabilities, which is, “not something that I've explored with any other AI tools. It’s been really great.” She goes on to explain just how much Content Lab has helped her team improve their post-event video production process:

“It makes a really pretty video for us. We also now have different options of not just using the recording but using different layouts; so we can change it up and not have all of our videos look the same. So that's been really great.”

Now, she feels like producing post-event video content is a piece of cake! “I feel like it just makes it all feel seamless because it's all within the same platform, which is great. Because it's easy, it feels more obtainable and it gives you more confidence to be like, no, we can produce more events if we need to.”

event content repurposing: the next frontier in AI - Goldcast's AI Summit

Results: Saved Time, Improved Social Stats, and Scaled Content

Off the bat, Kristen was amazed by the time Content Lab saved her team. To make just one video cut from an event, “it probably cut down our time from maybe like two hours to five minutes,” she said.

When it comes to social media impact, her team has been floored by the results. A single video post crafted in Content Lab had more engagement than a 39-post campaign with only graphics. “The engagement from one post versus an entire campaign was incredible. We also got a lot of re- shares and whatnot.” Kristen explained further:

Yet Content Lab doesn’t just help them produce more, it helps them produce better as well. “We are able not only produce more, but it also gives us more ideas, which has been great,” Kristen shared.

In just a few weeks, AspenCore saw the following results from using Content Lab:

  • Condensed their video editing workflow from four tools down to one
  • Video post made on LinkedIn showed above average engagement with one post receiving about 16% of their total average campaign clicks (each campaign usually has about 30 posts).
  • Scaled event promotion video creation from one per event to 3+

“We've only had it for a few weeks and it's already done so well,” Kristen explained. “So not only has it been easy to use, but we're getting really good feedback on it as well.”

With its ability to be a “one-stop-shop” for post-event video editing and content creation, the AspenCore team now has hours of time back to focus on other high-impact work.

attend an upcoming event on the Goldcast B2B digital events platform

What’s Next: Repurposing Events Into Blogs, Emails, & More

For Kristen, the impact of Content Lab only just begins with its ability to automate video production and editing. It’s also a powerful tool for improving creativity and collaboration.

“We do a lot of events a year. Having tools like this that makes things easy helps us be able to change our mindset and helps with brainstorming,” she said. “I think that's kind of game changing, especially now going into next year, because we have so many ideas. And we can actually do them and do them better because we have this new tool”.

AspenCore is excited to get their entire marketing team using Content Lab. Kristen shared more about how they plan to expand Content Lab usage beyond video and into more of the written content:

Kristen expects the content pieces to save the marketing team even more time. She’s already been testing the AI automated email follow-up functionality. “I was able to generate an email and I sent it to my email team and they were so excited!” Kristen shared. “They were like, wow, this is great because now we don't necessarily need to join the sessions and need to be so involved or just send a generic email out; this kind of sums it up so perfectly. It reduces time for sure.”

Overall, the team at AspenCore couldn’t imagine running events without having Content Lab. “It's not just making my job easier as far as being able to make videos, but it's making my colleagues and my team's job easier as well,” Kristen said. “Sometimes you get a product that makes things easier, but you're not necessarily benefiting in any way. This one's doing both.”

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